Thursday, April 3, 2014

Social Media Habits

New media
New media is the form "of communicating in the digital world, which includes publishing on CDs, DVDs, and most significantly, over the Internet," (PC Magazine).  On a daily basis, most people consume new media.  Personally, the Internet is something that is used daily, from accessing coursework to using social media for personal and professional reasons.  Having the responsibility of my firm’s corporate LinkedIn page, I must update it frequently and respond to follower interactions.  I also personally follow pages, such as the Boston Business Journal, that allow me to gather news and events that can be useful to my firm’s attorneys.  I also check Facebook at least once a day to keep up-to-date with friends and relatives.

New social media has allowed the access of news events at a faster pace.  Just yesterday, there was an unfortunate shooting incident in Fort Hood, Texas.  CNN Breaking News sent out many news briefs about the incident as the details were still being made available.  It is great to have this information available so quickly but not if the report is inaccurate, which could lead to unnecessary panic in certain situations.  By sending out multiple messages as the event was unfolding, as CNN did, it does portray the media source as reliable, current, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.  People can learn to depend on certain sources to keep them updated on what is happening in the country and around the world.

New social media also allows you to follow people and companies on a daily basis.  Friends can invite you to a party through social media.  You can also learn of events, such as mud runs or painting parties, through friends that are hosting or attending the events and promoting it through social media.  You can follow companies, such as Mazda or Johnson & Johnson.  If the company needs to recall a product, you might learn about it through social media before you hear it on the news or are notified through a mailing.  You can also comment on the recall announcement or ask a question that would hopefully be answered.  The news can also be shared instantly with your friends and family, allowing the company to reach a far greater audience.  These are ways that new media allow users to interact in positive ways, gaining access to information a faster pace than is available in traditional media.


New media.  (n.d.).  In PC Magazine.  Retrieved from

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